Palestinians have the right to be free from Israel

Thallapelli Praveen
3 min readMay 20, 2021

Adolf Hitler’s Nazism led Fascism erased Jews. After the holocaust, most countries supported Jews wherein Jews wanted to stay in their promised land which is now Israel. After settling down in their promised land, Jews managed themselves in the market economy and even went to the extent of becoming no less than Americans in embracing and carrying forward Capitalism. Israel is one among the very few countries that can fool American again and again — in the name of Judeo Christian. Jews recovering from the Nazi led Fascism is something that the German could have never imagined. After reconciling themselves with the holocaust; Jews became a tough community that can’t be cracked in terms of Capitalism.

On Palestine — every other country has an eye, before Israel, Arab nations (Egypt — Jordan) did claim it for a very long time. This doesn’t at all justify Israel controlling Palestine. As Paulo Freire brilliantly argued that oppressed can become oppressor — Israel is the best example here, from survivors of Holocaust to claiming/ controlling Palestine. No person, group or country is capable of controlling or governing a person, group or country. Like the Jews desired to be free from holocaust; Palestinians also have the right to be free from Israel.

The Dalit Marxism camp now mostly active only on Facebook posts and not in any actual political was founded by Chittibabu Padavala and Jilukara Srinivas. Jilukara left Chittibabu and joined the anti-caste movement in the Telugu region; while Chittibabu runs his Dalit Marxist group on Facebook. Jilukara and Chittibabu were a great intellectual companions — none could challenge them when they wrote a critique to the Dalit Literature (with all due respects — until now no university Professor, intellectual or writer can or could match up to this write up of them). Now, while Jilukara contributes to the anti-caste movement, Chittibabu contributes to his Facebook audience. While it is good to engage, debate and critique Jilukara; it is not at all good engaging with Chittibabu — as he can’t take any criticism and the only thing he can do is block. Chittibabu who studies German history, holocaust and Jews leads the Dalit Marxist camp — employs European/German understanding all over the place (even on Indian Politics). This has had and will only create confusion. Every region has its own history and derivative understanding of a region can’t produce episteme [or reasoning]. Chittibabu calling Israel as the Red Army is nothing but intellectual arrogance and cunningness to confuse the supporters of the V I Lenin led revolution and supporters of Marxism- Leninism. Lenin must be hitting his head hard, in his grave; on the Red Army’s comparison with Israeli army. It is also a misreading of revolutionary left politics. Chittibabu with his allegiance to Israel against Palestine is misleading Dalit Politics and Marxism. This Dalit Marxism camp fails, as usual, in having a good understanding of history, nationalism, religion, region and oppression.

Chittibabu led Dalit Marxism is not the first to combine Dalit Politics and Marxism. There are so many great thinkers, writers, poets and activist who combined Dalit Politics with Marxism and none of them have misrepresented Dalit Politics or Marxism. Few have written on them. (This isn’t the time to discuss them, some other time, when I am free from PhD pressure, if only needed definitely for a larger understanding, I could write).

Chittibabu misrepresents both Dalit Politics and Marxism.

Anyone who adheres to Ambedkar, Marx, Dalit Politics and Marxism will have to have a recipe for freedom. The Dalit Marxism camp led by Chittibabu doesn’t have a recipe for freedom — it is evident in Chittibabu and in its members writings (all available on Facebook) on Israel — Palestine conflict.



Thallapelli Praveen

PhD Candidate at Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India.